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Centro de Innovación Tecsup

Octubre presenta muchas novedades, eventos y  actividades en el ecosistema de innovación, y en Tecsup te mantenemos al tanto con el Bits de Innovación. ¡Sigamos haciendo crecer la comunidad de Innovadores!

Tecsup se integra a Academias Huawei

Programa beneficiará a plana docente y estudiantil. Podrán poner en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos en un ambiente real con soluciones y servicios empresariales de Huawei Enterprise y Huawei Cloud. Conoce más aquí


Cementos Pacasmayo y Tecsup promueven capacitación en el sector construcción

Maestros de obra pueden certificarse a su ritmo gratuitamente, con especialistas de Pacasmayo, Hábitat for Humanity y TECSUP, para ser expertos en construcción. Conoce más aquí


Tecsup suscribe convenio con Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Cananea

​Apuestan por el desarrollo de la educación y aprendizaje tecnológico, la innovación y el emprendimiento. Como parte de la estrategia institucional de ampliar la visión a nivel internacional de nuestros estudiantes, se firmó en septiembre un acuerdo de cooperación con el Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Cananea (Sonora, México), el cual pertenece a la red del Tecnológico Nacional de ese país.  A través de videoconferencias con autoridades de diferentes áreas de dicha institución, ya se han coordinado acciones de cooperación que se darían en áreas tales como Producción, Innovación, Emprendimiento, Electromecánica y Minería, entre otras. Las posibilidades incluyen trabajar en aspectos de movilidad académica, proyectos institucionales, etc. Esto también se ha destacado a través de una entrevista en un programa de radio que tiene dicha institución, con el fin de hacerlo conocer a su comunidad académica.

Tecsup se integra a red de Innovación y emprendimiento E-quipu

Iniciativa liderada por Estudios Generales de Sede Sur, incluye la participación de alumnos en el concurso Laboratorios de Emprendimiento 2021. Tecsup se incorpora activamente fomentando la participación de sus alumnos así como  brindando soporte y mentoría con expertos internos de nuestra organización en temas de innovación, emprendimiento y tecnología para apoyar las iniciativas presentadas por nuestra comunidad en esta red nacional que nace en la PUCP. Este tipo de iniciativa son importantes de fomentar en nuestros estudiantes, señala el Ing. Biotecnólogo Oscar Medina docente de TECSUP  del Dpto. de Estudios Generales Sede Sur,  invitamos a que se sumen a esta iniciativa. Más detalles en

CONCURSO: TECSUP CHALLENGE 2021 -  TECSUP-  Inscripciones hasta el 14 de Octubre

Concurso dirigido a estudiantes de Tecsup. que busca innovaciones digitales y tecnológicas en emprendimientos para ayudar a promover la reactivación económica y el empleo post covid. 

Convocatoria -  Artisanal Mining Grand Challenge: the Amazon - CONSERVATION X LABS -  Aplicaciones hasta el 10 de Noviembre.

La competencia tiene como objetivo identificar e impulsar innovaciones  tecnológicas que mejoren las condiciones ambientales, sociales y económicas de la minería artesanal de oro en la Amazonía. El Challenge apunta a probar soluciones en Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Perú o Suriname



Webinar: Q&A TECSUP CHALLENGE. Evento exclusivo para alumnos de Tecsup para absolver dudas y consultas de cara al concurso

Fecha: Miércoles 5 de Octubre a las 16:00


Pass Evento: 1234567




Webinar: Mindset para la innovación : Entorno LATAM en contexto Global y desafios - Javier Lizárraga - Jefe del Centro de Innovación Tecsup.

Fecha: Miércoles 20 de Octubre a las 17:00


Pass Evento: 1234567


Si tienes una iniciativa, proyecto o deseas apoyo para diseñar tu propuesta innovadora estamos para ayudarte, contáctanos a: Así también háganos llegar sus sugerencias y ​​​​hechos de interés a:

Somos el Centro de Innovación de Tecsup y nuestro objetivo es: Potenciar la "comunidad de innovadores Tecsup” orientando sus acciones hacia el ecosistema innovador y emprendedor regional. #ComunidadDeInnovadores #Tecsup

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Amy Gray
07/06/2023 | 03:33

The Dog Lover’s Guide to Dating

Are you a dog lover looking for some romantic comedy with a canine twist? If so, “The Dog Lover’s Guide to Dating” is the perfect show for you! This delightful series combines the joy of finding love with the charm of our four-legged friends

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Alexandra Gardiner
07/06/2023 | 23:56

Is Online Poker Legal in Kansas? | 101CasinoReviews

Is Online Poker Legal in Kansas? Online poker has gained significant popularity in recent years, attracting players from all around the world. However, the legality of online poker varies from one jurisdiction to another.

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Amy Gray
08/06/2023 | 04:02

What Kills Long-Distance Relationships | Datinggroup

What Kills Long-Distance Relationships, characterized by geographical separation between partners, can be both challenging and rewarding.

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Alexandra Gardiner
08/06/2023 | 23:49

Can You Cash a Casino Voucher Online? | Casino Poker

Can You Cash a Casino Voucher Online? Imagine winning a substantial amount of money at a casino and receiving a voucher instead of immediate cash. Many gamblers have found themselves in this situation, wondering how to turn their casino vouchers into real money.

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Amy Gray
09/06/2023 | 03:40

Who is more loyal male or female in a relationship

Who is More Loyal Male or Female In A Relationship. Loyalty is a fundamental aspect of any healthy and successful relationship. It is a quality that reflects a person’s faithfulness, commitment, and devotion to their partner.…

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Amy Gray
09/06/2023 | 23:49

How to Start Over in a Relationship

How to Start Over in a Relationship. Starting over in a relationship can be a challenging but worthwhile journey. Whether you’re looking to rebuild after a major conflict or simply want to rejuvenate your connection, this article will provide you with practical tips and guidance. By reflecting on the relationship, communicating openly, rebuilding trust, and focusing on personal growth, you can embark on a new chapter together.…

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Amy Gray
09/06/2023 | 23:52

How to Start Over in a Relationship

How to Start Over in a Relationship. Starting over in a relationship can be a challenging but worthwhile journey. Whether you’re looking to rebuild after a major conflict or simply want to rejuvenate your connection, this article will provide you with practical tips and guidance. By reflecting on the relationship, communicating openly, rebuilding trust, and focusing on personal growth, you can embark on a new chapter together.…

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What Online Casino Accepts Cash App | Casino Sites Review
10/06/2023 | 04:16

What Online Casino Accepts Cash App | Casino Sites Review

What Online Casino Accepts Cash App. In recent years, online gambling has gained immense popularity, attracting millions of players worldwide. With the convenience of digital transactions, people are now seeking secure and reliable payment methods to fund their online casino activities.

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Amy Gray
12/06/2023 | 03:51

The Model of Relationship Development Describes

The Model of Relationship Development Describes. Building and nurturing relationships is a fundamental aspect of human interaction. Whether in personal or professional settings, the quality of Relationships greatly impacts our lives.

The Model of Relationship Development Describes…

Amy Gray
12/06/2023 | 03:52

The Model of Relationship Development Describes

The Model of Relationship Development Describes. Building and nurturing relationships is a fundamental aspect of human interaction. Whether in personal or professional settings, the quality of Relationships greatly impacts our lives.

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Amy Gray
13/06/2023 | 01:08

How do we relationship

How Do We Relationship? play a fundamental role in our lives, shaping our experiences and influencing our well-being. Whether it’s with our partners, friends, family, or colleagues, building and maintaining healthy relationships is crucial. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of successful Relation and provide valuable insights on how to nurture and strengthen them.

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Amy Gray
13/06/2023 | 01:09

How do we relationship

How Do We Relationship? play a fundamental role in our lives, shaping our experiences and influencing our well-being. Whether it’s with our partners, friends, family, or colleagues, building and maintaining healthy relationships is crucial. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of successful Relation and provide valuable insights on how to nurture and strengthen them.

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Amy Gray
13/06/2023 | 05:55

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Does Hawaii Have Casinos? Hawaii, with its stunning natural beauty and vibrant culture, is a dream destination for many. However, when it comes to casinos and gambling, Hawaii stands apart from most other states.

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Alexandra Gardiner
14/06/2023 | 01:59

How Do You Spell Casino

How Do You Spell Casino? When it comes to spelling, even the most proficient writers may stumble upon certain words that leave them perplexed. One such word that often raises questions is “casino.”

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Amy Gray
14/06/2023 | 04:24

What is a Relationship Banker

What is a Relationship Banker are an essential part of human life, influencing our emotional well-being and providing a sense of connection and belonging. Whether it’s a romantic partnership, friendship, or family bond, relationships play a crucial role in shaping our experiences and personal growth.

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Amy Gray
14/06/2023 | 04:24

What is a Relationship Banker

What is a Relationship Banker are an essential part of human life, influencing our emotional well-being and providing a sense of connection and belonging. Whether it’s a romantic partnership, friendship, or family bond, relationships play a crucial role in shaping our experiences and personal growth.

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Amy Gray
15/06/2023 | 01:46

What is a vortex relationship

What is a Vortex Relationship? Have you ever experienced a relationship that feels like an exhilarating whirlwind of love, connection, and growth? A vortex relation, as coined by relationship experts, is an extraordinary bond that goes beyond the conventional dynamics of partnerships.

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Amy Gray
15/06/2023 | 01:54

What is a vortex relationship

What is a Vortex Relationship? Have you ever experienced a relationship that feels like an exhilarating whirlwind of love, connection, and growth? A vortex relation, as coined by relationship experts, is an extraordinary bond that goes beyond the conventional dynamics of partnerships.

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Alexandra Gardiner
15/06/2023 | 03:35

What casinos have coin pushers

What Casinos Have Coin Pushers? Are you a fan of arcade games and the thrill of casinos? If so, you may be wondering which casinos offer the popular game of coin pushers. Coin pushers, also known as coin dozers, are mechanical arcade games

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